On Tuesday, 26 September 2023, Philipp Stolzenburg from Sales and I (Marketing) went to our construction site in Wiesbaden, where a modern waste-to-energy plant is currently being built. There, the main focus was to discuss possible on-site customer visits with our colleagues and to consider which local measures we can implement to improve the visibility of our activities.
The colleagues on site welcomed us very nicely and took time to show us around the construction site and explain everything we needed to know. A special highlight was an unrestricted view into the combustion chamber and the boiler. The plant is currently in a very interesting phase and allows insights that you won’t have in this way in just a few weeks.
Many thanks to the colleagues on site for the good support and see you very soon! 😊
One more thing: If you are interested in more information about the project, you can find it here: https://www.doosanlentjes.com/en/wte/project02/