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We take our corporate responsibility very seriously, which is we do not see CSR activities as an "add-on", but as an integral part of our business activities and processes. In doing so, we strive for a world that is characterised by mutual respect. In this world, people live and do business in harmony with the environment and nature. To this end, our CSR strategy is based on three main pillars developed in accordance with these goals.

The first pillar deals with issues related to people. People are at the centre of everything we do. Our efforts are directed at all people we influence through our entrepreneurial existence. The goal is to create an environment that promotes motivation and creativity and gives the highest priority to physical and mental well-being.

In order to prevent accidents on construction sites in which Doosan Lentjes is involved, we develop a holistic HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) plan for every project we carry out. Our occupational health and safety management system is thereby certified by TÜV Nord as compatible with the requirements of the new ISO 45001 – an international standard that replaced the previous OHSAS 18001 at the end of 2020.

A risk assessment carried out every three years also shows where employees are exposed to mental stress. Developing countermeasures and monitoring their implementation ensures that psychological stress is identified and consequently minimised.

The second pillar focuses on sustainability. Here, we not only implement individual measures to achieve improvements in our environmental performance, but also understand sustainability as the foundation of our business model and activities. Along our entire value chain, we emphasise the highest environmental standards and the reduction of our CO2 footprint.

For example, our environmental technologies contribute in various ways to reducing humanity’s ecological footprint and shaping a green and healthy future for people. They support the ideas of a circular economy and make an important contribution to the implementation of the energy transition.

Doosan Lentjes has implemented an environmental management system that aims to reduce the environmental impact of business activities and processes. This system is certified by TÜV Nord according to the revised ISO 14001:2015, which means that our efforts in these areas are in line with internationally recognised standards.

Our focus is on the consistent optimisation of our products and technologies from an environmental perspective. In doing so, we consider the entire cycle of our plants, from engineering and planning to operation and dismantling. In engineering, we strive to consistently reduce the need for building and construction materials for our plants, for example through resource-saving value engineering.

Our “Code of Conduct for Contractors of Doosan Lentjes” has been developed to ensure that our sub suppliers or service providers fulfil highest standards through their part of the value chain. The paper defines our basic requirements in the areas of human rights, working conditions, the environment and corporate integrity. It is based on the Doosan Code of Conduct, which outlines the guidelines for responsible corporate governance that apply to all Doosan subsidiaries, and the principles of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact.

Charity is the third pillar on which our CSR activities are built. With this element of our social responsibility strategy, we follow our conviction that it is our corporate duty to make a positive difference for others. In doing so, we do not limit ourselves to our communities, but help where help is urgently needed.

With this in mind, we coordinate a number of initiatives for regional or international charities that support people in financial or health emergencies. In 2013, for example, we launched the internal book market, which over time has become an integral part of our CSR activities: There are four bookshelves in our canteen where employees can bring books they no longer need. Anyone interested in these books can purchase them for a small fee. The money collected is donated to ” Médecins Sans Frontières”, which cares for people affected by armed conflicts, epidemics, health exclusion from healthcare and natural or man-made disasters. Locally, we support, for example, the Food Bank in our community and the Neander Diakonie by organising gifts and events for financially weak families.

Our efforts join those of our colleagues in the global Doosan Group. Together, we aim at becoming a leading company for CSR.

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We aspire to become a Proud Global Doosan - a leading innovator of products and services that improve the quality of life for people and communities around the world.

Our Strategy


Doosan’s strategy is based on the principle of “2G” - Growth of Business by Growth of People. 2G is a virtuous circle where people drive the business growth, which in turn provides our people the opportunity for advancement. Doosan believes that sustained success can only come through people.

Global Network

Global Network

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