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Learn more about our sewage sludge incineration applications

Dewatering and drying processes

We can provide fully integrated mechanical dewatering solutions using either centrifuges or chamber filter presses. Both can achieve dewatering efficiencies of up to 22 – 30% dry substance (DS).

For further drying of the mechanically dewatered sewage sludge, we apply integrated disc dryers either running on thermal oil or steam. The dried sludge is fed into the bubbling bed furnace. Vapours arising from the drying process may also be entirely introduced into the combustion process in order to safeguard a waste water-free operation of the plant.

Proven bubbling bed boiler

The bubbling bed boiler technology is today the first choice when it comes to the mono-incineration of sewage sludge which is why we are proud to be one of the most valued suppliers of this process.

Our compact boiler design with a low footprint reduces the investment costs and helps you to deliver on all your economic and financial objectives.

In contrast to other methods like the rotary kiln technology, bubbling bed furnaces run at a comparatively low combustion temperature of roughly 850°C. This minimises the formation of thermal nitrogen oxides (NOx) and, depending on the applicable emissions limits, reduces the needs for additional environmental equipment in this area.

Efficient heat recovery and energy generation

Depending on the capacity of your plant, the heat generated during the combustion can be used for the auto-thermal operation of the plant or additionally be harnessed for external applications.

When the generated heat is exclusively used for the auto-thermal operation, we apply a thermal oil boiler with downstream air preheating for cooling down the flue gas. The heated oil is used for the purpose of sewage sludge drying.

In case the plant capacity allows for an additional generation of energy, we use the heat from the flue gas for air preheating and steam production. The steam that is not required for sewage sludge drying can be used to generate both district heat and power.

Advanced flue gas cleaning solutions

Our advanced flue gas cleaning (FGC) solutions, tailored to sewage sludge applications, help you to comply with all legal directives, no matter whether it comes to phosphorus recovery or emissions reduction.

For this type of application, our FGC concept normally consists of an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) for ash separation, a Circoclean® reactor for ad and absorbing of pollutants, as well as, a fabric filter for removing remaining residues. However, depending on your requirements, we are also flexible to integrate further FGC steps into the overall plant concept.

Designed for maximum efficiency, our reliable ESPs achieve ash separation performances of more than 99%. From the separated ash phosphorus can be recovered in a separate process step.

Our proven Circoclean® system uses hydrated lime and activated carbon to cut out pollutants encompassing sulphur dioxide (SO2), SO3, HCI, HF, dioxins, furans, PCBs and heavy metals. We can achieve SO2 reduction efficiencies of up to 99 % due to the intensive mass transfer and the high velocity in the Circoclean® reactor.

With a compact, high performance and cost-effective reactor design, our Circoclean® technology features both low investment and maintenance costs and provides you with an economically sound solution.

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