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Data Protection Information according to article 13 of the GDPR

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

Doosan Lentjes GmbH

Represented by Dirk Stokvis, Dukrae Park, Kisoon Park
Daniel-Goldbach-Straße 19 ■ 40880 Ratingen ■ Germany
Tel.: +49 2102 166 0 ■ [email protected]www.doosanlentjes.com

Data Protection Officer

External Data Protection Officer appointed via:
TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH
Business Security & Privacy ■ Fachstelle für Datenschutz

Langemarckstr. 20 ■ 45141 Essen ■ Germany
Tel.: +49 201 8999-899 ■ [email protected]www.tuvit.de

Purpose of Processing Data

Data processing is carried out for the purpose of the distribution, planning, construction and commissioning of plants or components in the fields of power plant technology and environmental and waste disposal technology, in particular, of all kinds of plants, installations for the incineration of household waste, as well as, other solid, pasty, liquid and gaseous wastes, residues or biomass and installations of exhaust gas purification. as well as. the execution of services in these areas.

Legal Basis of Processing Data

Contracts for service, labour leasing, work and labour , purchasing and others, relevant national and international legal standards, consent and balancing of interests

Categories of Recipients of Personal Data

a) internal

Human Resources, Marketing, Sales, Board of Management, Purchasing, Works Council, Project Management

b) external

Social Security Partners, Service Providers, Banking Institutions, and others

Data Transmission to Third Countries

The transmission of personal data to third countries is carried out in connection with the purpose of the company.

Additional Information ISV. Article 13 (2) of the GDPR

a) Rights of the party concerned

You have the right to:

  • Information about your stored and processed personal data
  • Correction of your personal data stored by us
  • Deletion of your personal data which is no longer required
  • Limitation (blocking) of the use of your personal data
  • Revocation (especially in the case of previously given consent)
  • Data transferability

b) Data storage duration

  • During the existing contractual relationship, the storage of your personal data is carried out in accordance with the legally prescribed retention regulations
  • After the completion of the contractual relationship, the deletion of your personal data takes place after the expiration of the statutory retention regulations

c) Revocation of consent

If the storage of your personal data is based on your personal consent, you can revoke your consent. Your revocation will then be valid from the date of retraction.

d) Right of appeal to the respective Data Protection Supervisory Authority

  • According to article 7 GDPR, you have the right to appeal to the respective Data Protection Supervisory Authority, if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you is violating the GDPR, the Federal Data Protection Act or other national provisions for Data Protection.
  • Appeals should be addressed to the Data Protection Supervisory Authority responsible for our company:

    Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit
    Postfach 20 04 44
    40102 Düsseldorf

    Tel.: +49 211/38424-0
    Fax: +49 211/38424-10
    E-Mail: [email protected]

e) Provision of personal data and the consequences of non-provisioning

The provision of your personal data is necessary for the execution of the above mentioned purpose and we are obliged to collect this data in accordance with relevant legal standards, respectively. Without this data, we cannot complete or carry out the contractual relationship. In so far as legal obligations exist to collect this data, we would violate applicable data protection law, which may lead to sanctions and/or fines for our company.

f) Automatic decision-making

An automated decision-making does not take place and is not planned either.

Information about the Security of your Personal Data

Our company uses technical and organizational security measures in terms of article 32 GDPR in accordance with the acknowledged state of technology and the nature of the scope, circumstances and purposes of processing, in order to prevent accidental or intentional loss, manipulation, destruction or access through unauthorized persons to the data stored by us. We orient ourselves on the technical and organizational recommendations of the Federal Agency for Security in Information Technology (BSI). The safety measures used are continuously adapted according to the technological development. We ensure that all data protection relevant data is generally stored on secure systems in Germany. Access to this is only possible for a few authorized persons who are committed to data protection and who are involved in technical, administrative or editorial support. This authorized group of persons is enumeratively known and is further specialized by continuous training. This includes, in particular, basic protection instructions in the area of IT security and data protection. The company has taken the necessary technical measures to achieve the objectives of information technology security in the field of the processing of personal data and will, if necessary, adapt to the new IT technical challenges. The aim of these measures to maintain information technology security is to prevent the basic threats with effective and appropriate measures.

State of the Data Protection Law information in accordance with article 13 of the GDPR

Ratingen, July 2024

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